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  • Support for Theresa, Jodi, Jamie
  • Transportation to Abq for treatments. http://carecalendar.org/index.php 64657, 1402
  • No Flowers please

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Hi all.

I've gotten pretty bad at keeping up this blog. I've got a good excuse - better than the dog and the homework. The chemo brain must have misplaced my knowledge of having a blog. My cousin, Cheryle (named after me!), told me about the blog. So, here I am writing.

I went to Albuquerque for treatment today. So many wigs! The one other patient who always wore hats suddenly had shoulder-length hair. Now, I know she couldn't grow it that fast! Just 3 weeks ago she was totally bald and I had the fuzz of a chia pet. Now, I have eye brows, nose hair, etc., and she was still without eye brows.

Anyway. The doc said all is looking good. My CA-125 is still at 8, and my red and white blood counts are up. Yipee!

Other news.
My parents are the proud adoptive parents of a 3 yr little poodle. They treat her better than they treated me at that age! She is cute, adorable, white, and very spoiled. Dad takes her for lots of walks, plays tennis ball catch with her, and sleeps on the floor next to her during lightening/thunder storms. Mom cuddles, and feeds her.

I'm learning to play bridge (cards - like poker without the money) with my cancer friends. It is great getting together. Some day we will figure out how to play without telling everyone what is in our hands.

Got to go. Getting that headache that comes on the day of chemo. Am also on a steroid high, so will be awake tonight and like a pregnant mother on due date tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. Bless your heart Cheri, you're doing great!
    Keep on keeping on, and we'll keep praying.

    - Dave
