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  • Positive Thoughts, Discussions, Prayers
  • Support for Theresa, Jodi, Jamie
  • Transportation to Abq for treatments. http://carecalendar.org/index.php 64657, 1402
  • No Flowers please

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

1st Day of Chemo

My 1st Day of Chemo, got Cisplatin and Topotecan - Along with premeds of a steroid, anti-nausea, and anti-anxiety/sleep stuff. I get 2 more days of Topotecan and premeds this week.

I'm also trying to get better about taking my nausea pills regularly.

Good News. May CA125 cancer marker is down to 20 (below 21 is considered good.) Hopefully means the radiation has done some cancer killing!

My Radiologist told me yesterday that the whole brain and whole spine radiation he performed on me is not something they typically give to adults because it is so harsh on their bodies. This explains why I got soooo wiped out and am taking so much time to recover.
I am slowly getting stronger and able to eat more food which is nice. Doc said may take several more weeks for radiation effects to go away.
In the mean time, I'll start getting to feel the effects of the chemo. My gut feel is that the chemo will be easier - time will tell.

Thanks so much to all of you who have and will be given me rides to ABQ. and to the yummy foods.


  1. Thanks for the update Cheri. From your note, I can tell you have more energy. Today I had dose 6 of taxel and have 6 more to go. My latest new home remedy is Tylenol PM. It is helping me get my rest!
    Love, Dianne

  2. Cheri, are they also going to use the Avastin thing again? Or was that only available (or allowed) as a test?
    Glad to hear the count is back down in low numbers again, hopefully it'll be in the single digits by now.
    Way to hang in there, you're doing amazingly well. A lot of folks are praying for you!
