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Monday, June 27, 2011

More Blood + 6 pack

My 4th round of chemo was rather uneventful until today. Got a call this morning from the nurse telling me my blood counts are way low and I need a couple bags of blood and a 6-pack of platelets. (Anyone know what a platelet 6-pack is?! Anything like a Sam Adams 6-pack or more like a Frontier Roll 6-pack?) Low blood counts explain why my nose was bloody and why I am soooo out of energy.
I had to go to S.F. to get blood draw in preparation for a Tuesday transfusion. They didn't want to chance LAMC in case of evacuation. Good thing, because the evacuation call came while I was in S.F. Can you believe they have to re-type my blood before every transfusion?! I asked the nurse if anyones blood type ever changes and she said "no", but they still are required to re-type. Must be a legal thing.
Luckily we had packed yesterday in preparation for evacuation - however, I had the car with everyone's clothes in it. The family is going to my brother's place in Pagosa Springs and I get to stay at LA Quinta in S.F. so I can get blood and 6-pack Tue., and then MRI on Thur., We rendezvoused at Cities of Gold in Pojoaque to pass off clothes. I was tempted to try my luck at Black Jack. But it has been so long since I've been in a Casino (probably 10+ years) that I was a bit intimidated.
Anyway. I get new, cell-rich blood tomorrow, along with a 6-pack. Should boost my energy quite a bit.

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