About Me

How you can help

  • Positive Thoughts, Discussions, Prayers
  • Support for Theresa, Jodi, Jamie
  • Transportation to Abq for treatments. http://carecalendar.org/index.php 64657, 1402
  • No Flowers please

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

MD Anderson visit

I'm now in Houston - came to get an opinion from the MD Anderson Cancer Center doc.
I spent more time (2 - 3 times) getting registered into MD than with the doc or any treatment.

The doc and her nurse were very nice. She has seen ovarian go to the brain. Said she is seeing more of such cases - yet is still rare, about 1%. She has also seen a couple of cases where it goes to the spinal fluid - much more rare than the brain.

I had been thinking I would spend hours at MD getting tests, etc. No need to worry. Doc did an exam, sat down with me to go over issue with this cancer, and said no need to run tests and no special "MD" treatment suggestion. She said what my Doc in NM is planning (chemo of cispatin and topotecan) would be her recommendation. She also concurred with their decision to do the Whole Brain Radiation. (Basically - our NM folks are on top of things!)

I'm spending a few days with my family in Houston, then flying to Alabama to meet up with Jodi, Theresa, and Jamie.

I will be starting chemo on April 12. Need chemo the 12, 13, 14, then off 3 weeks before 3 more days. I will be soliciting rides to Alq. If any of you could help, would be great. I'll post on my calendar.
The ID and security code are: 64657, and 1402

Thanks so much for all the support.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Finished Radiation!

My last treatment was Monday. I now have a "mohawk", my hair fell out on sides, but not top.

I'm amazed at how little strength I have. All I can do to stand up at times.
I am forcing myself to do Qi Gong, curl a few pound weights, and spin a few minutes on the stationary bike each day. Hopefully this will build my strength.

I have trouble keeping food down, so lost a bit of weight. This should fix soon - I hope.

The good news is I can still dress myself - take a little nap after I do.

All is well here. Kids are staying busy with school, sports, etc.

I finished reading the 10 books of "39 clues". (Those with young boys may be familiar with this series.)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Last stretch!

I'm down to 4 more radiation treatments. Still kicking!
I'm quite weak, but still lifting a little dumbbell and trying to ride the indoor bike (about 2 minutes). My brain is slow but here.

Yesterday I tried shooting basketball and found my coordination is a bit off. Now I have a new daily exercise - shooting hoops.

I had a Hypnotic Healing session last night - was great. I was out for awhile - like a trance. I focuses on getting rid of the cancer cells. Think all is good.

Found out yesterday that these sores in my mouth are thrush and can be treated. (Wish I had mentioned them to the Doc a few weeks ago!)