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  • Positive Thoughts, Discussions, Prayers
  • Support for Theresa, Jodi, Jamie
  • Transportation to Abq for treatments. http://carecalendar.org/index.php 64657, 1402
  • No Flowers please

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Finished Radiation!

My last treatment was Monday. I now have a "mohawk", my hair fell out on sides, but not top.

I'm amazed at how little strength I have. All I can do to stand up at times.
I am forcing myself to do Qi Gong, curl a few pound weights, and spin a few minutes on the stationary bike each day. Hopefully this will build my strength.

I have trouble keeping food down, so lost a bit of weight. This should fix soon - I hope.

The good news is I can still dress myself - take a little nap after I do.

All is well here. Kids are staying busy with school, sports, etc.

I finished reading the 10 books of "39 clues". (Those with young boys may be familiar with this series.)

1 comment:

  1. Great news that they agree. Go Karen! Also kind of glad that you wont start chemo until after we visit, although I'm sure you're real eager to start! Have a wonderful time with the family and save journey back to LA
