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  • Positive Thoughts, Discussions, Prayers
  • Support for Theresa, Jodi, Jamie
  • Transportation to Abq for treatments. http://carecalendar.org/index.php 64657, 1402
  • No Flowers please

Monday, April 27, 2009


I think I got through the first chemo ok. I did feel poorly for several days and had nausea for about 10. Now I hope to been in the "feeling good" stage until my next chemo, May 6.
I still have my hair! Although I'm assured by most that it is only a matter of days or weeks before that goes.

Thanks for your thoughts and support.

Friday, April 17, 2009

2 days later...

We'll I'm doing "ok". A bit nauseous and ache all over, but able to function some what. I did stretch and lift a few weights to try and feel better. Did the trick for awhile. Taking meds for nausea and Tylenol for aches.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

1st Chemo experience

Hi muchly appreciated folks.

Spent the day in Abq, sitting and sleeping in a chair while liquid dripped into my "chemo port". (A plastic bubble "thingy" implanted under my skin above my breast with a tube going into my vein.)

They first took a bunch of blood through the port. Needed 8 viles for the drug Trial folks. (Guess they are vampires!)

Next was pretty cool. They shot Benadryl into the port. This gave me a big rush! (Might as well enjoy the drugs.) Next came steroids which took away some the the Benadryl high.

Then spent 3.5 hours having Taxol dripped in followed by 1/2 hour having Carboplatin dripped. (These are two chemo drugs.)

I'm feeling well now. The port is mighty sore, slight headache, and the weird thing is my toes feel weird. Kind of "jumpy" or "vibraty". (I'm a linguist.) I'll go take all my drugs to see if that helps.

Take care.
Thanks for your thoughts.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Scheduled for 1st Chemo

I'm finally scheduled for my 1st chemo treatment. (Not sure why I'm happy about this - but I am.) My CA-125 (cancer marker - sort of?) is now at 1883. The thing is to watch this come down after chemo. The normal is around 35.

I did ride my bike, stretch, and exercise some yesterday, today I'm sort of beat. Tomorrow I get to sit/lay in a chair for about 5 hours while drugs flow into my body - supposedly I'll sleep most of the time due to the Benadryl they put in. Feels sort of like taking uppers, then downers!

I'll let you know how it goes.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Still Waiting... LAMC disappointing

Well, I'm still waiting for chemo scheduling. My baseline tests have been slow to get in. I'm disappointed with LAMC's lab services. My Dr. had wanted a rush on all the tests, so I went to Abq. for the CT scan - results came right away. I then made the mistake of getting the EKG, Urine, and blood tests done in Los Alamos. My Drs. office has had to constantly nag LAMC to get the results. Yesterday - one week after my blood draw - they were still waiting for the results (CA-125 test). Nurse was then told they would have to send out to the Lab again and would be another week. While LAMC is "screwing around", my cancer is growing and my chemo not scheduled. So, yesterday I drove to S.F. to get my blood drawn and they said they would have my CA-125 results early today.
I do plan to let LAMC know how dissappointed I am with their services. I will be needing tests done weekly. Wish I could use their services, but will need to drive to S.F. instead.

In the mean time, I'm feeling well, getting out walking and spending time with family and friends.

One anicdote I've mentioned to other cancer patients and they have seen the same phenonemon with their pets is...
I noticed a few months ago that our dog, Fala, had started following me and laying next to me all the time. I thought it was because she was getting older. But now I believe it was because she "knew" I had cancer.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Went to the Dr. yesterday and I will be doing the Avastin trial. This trail has first, 2 groups. Both groups of "trialees" will get 6 treatments of Taxal and carboplatin, one will get included Avastin for treatments 2-6, the other will get a placebo for 2-6.
Then, everyone is randomized again split into 2 groups. One will get an additional 16 treaments of Avastin, the other 16 treatments of placebo.

Before I can start, they have to baseline me for the trail, so I had tests Friday and have a CT scan for Monday. Chemo will start either late next week, or early the following. I will have treatments every 21 days in Abq., with tests run every week.

The nurse said that my hair will probably fall out 2 or 3 weeks after the 1st treatment. She also said that the 3rd treatment tends to hit patients the hardest. However, everyone reacts differently.

As long as my blood counts stay up, I shouldn't have to worry too much. Typically day 10 - 14 is when the blood counts get the lowest, so these days I should stay away from people, kids, anything that carries germs.

Dr. did say I could ride my bicycle, but not to lift weights (even small ones) for another week. I'm getting stronger, but still have times with abdomen pain and weakness.

Thanks for reading.