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  • Positive Thoughts, Discussions, Prayers
  • Support for Theresa, Jodi, Jamie
  • Transportation to Abq for treatments. http://carecalendar.org/index.php 64657, 1402
  • No Flowers please

Monday, April 27, 2009


I think I got through the first chemo ok. I did feel poorly for several days and had nausea for about 10. Now I hope to been in the "feeling good" stage until my next chemo, May 6.
I still have my hair! Although I'm assured by most that it is only a matter of days or weeks before that goes.

Thanks for your thoughts and support.


  1. Thanks for another update, Cheri. It was good to see you a couple times last week. Keep up the positive attitude!

  2. Thanks for keeping us informed Cheryl. Ya never know, my dad didn't lose his hair from chemo. Although, the texture and color changed. Hang in there!!!


  3. Hi Cheryl. Good luck with the chemo and everything. Let us know if you need anything trucked up from Abq.
