About Me

How you can help

  • Positive Thoughts, Discussions, Prayers
  • Support for Theresa, Jodi, Jamie
  • Transportation to Abq for treatments. http://carecalendar.org/index.php 64657, 1402
  • No Flowers please

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

1st Chemo experience

Hi muchly appreciated folks.

Spent the day in Abq, sitting and sleeping in a chair while liquid dripped into my "chemo port". (A plastic bubble "thingy" implanted under my skin above my breast with a tube going into my vein.)

They first took a bunch of blood through the port. Needed 8 viles for the drug Trial folks. (Guess they are vampires!)

Next was pretty cool. They shot Benadryl into the port. This gave me a big rush! (Might as well enjoy the drugs.) Next came steroids which took away some the the Benadryl high.

Then spent 3.5 hours having Taxol dripped in followed by 1/2 hour having Carboplatin dripped. (These are two chemo drugs.)

I'm feeling well now. The port is mighty sore, slight headache, and the weird thing is my toes feel weird. Kind of "jumpy" or "vibraty". (I'm a linguist.) I'll go take all my drugs to see if that helps.

Take care.
Thanks for your thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys! Just read all the blogs to catch up. I was laughing at Jodi's descriptions but how nice of her to keep people updated while you were in the hosp. Also laughed (and shook my head) at you riding your bike too early.

    Cheri I am glad your chemo has started, but I understand the mixed feeling that brings.
    Both my parents have had cancer and are still here in their mid 80's to tell about it. My dad has had cancer 3 times in the last 15 years, started when Christopher was a baby. My mom had breast cacner between his bouts. That said, cancer makes me sappy and emotional...that is a warning of what it to come.

    I still remember when Jodi and Christopher were in 1st or 2nd grade and Theresa invited him to be on your soccer team. We had been with you the year before but ended up on a different team that fall. It was a BAD experience. Christopher did not want to continue playing in the spring and since soccer was obviously not his sport we agreed. Then Theresa called and said she needed more players for the spring season. That was the confidence boost Christopher needed, and he decided to play and had a wonderful time. The nurturing environment that you two provided was key. We often forget to let people know we appreciate them so wanted to do that now.

    Ok, enough sap...I have typed this 3 times (dont' ask) so am going to stop (but will copy it first just in case).

    Know that you are in our thoughts and keep us in mind for anything you need...rides, meals, etc. You have to take care of yourselves so you MUST ask for help. You are so involved in the LA community, that I know there are tons of people that want to help...let them!!!

    Good luck!
