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  • Positive Thoughts, Discussions, Prayers
  • Support for Theresa, Jodi, Jamie
  • Transportation to Abq for treatments. http://carecalendar.org/index.php 64657, 1402
  • No Flowers please

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Not Home Yet

Cheri was hoping to go home from the hospital today, but the doctor wants to keep her another day. The good news is that she's eating real food now. She even asked for a Frontier roll! I let Jodi and Jamie cut class to go visit on Friday and we ended up waiting for Cheri to get out of surgery. We didn't know that she was going to have to go into surgery to have the chemo port inserted. All they said was that the doctor would insert a tube in her chest before she leaves the hospital. I envisioned a local anesthetic and a little tube like an IV. It's a little more than that. They took her down for surgery at about 10:00 AM and she was back in her room before 1:00 PM. Jodi and Jamie got to visit for a few hours. Jamie was thrilled that there are two TVs in Cheri's room. Jodi counted Cheri's tummy staples -- 28! Jamie was a little grossed out.



  1. Ok - If she is eating real food, why wasn't her first request a Chiliworks Burrito? What is a frontier roll? Have you guys been holding out? We are crossing our fingers for a release today and thinking about you guys! Love, Tina and Barbie.

  2. Ahh, the Frontier Roll...and just up the street. Fine choice, Cheri. Allison and I hope you were able to go home today to recover in familiar territory.
