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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Talked with Dr.

Dr. Moller (Gynecologic Oncologist) called me today to check in. I got a few questions answered. She said the combination chemotherapy (IP and IV) would have been for me if I was "optimal status" - no cancer masses > 1cm. They got the masses from the abdomen area, and cut what they could of the lymph nodes, but had to leave some which are > 1cm in lymph nodes on my aorta, so I'm considered "sub-optimal" status. She said they would hit me agressively with IV Chemo containing the drugs Carboplatin and TAxol (Paclitaxel). I may also be a candiate for a clinical trial which would include Bevacizumab (Avastin) for some of the "trialees". If I can, I'll go for the trial.
Dr. appeared optimistic due to my age and health. She confirmed that Chemo would likely start soon after April 3.

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